
This is always weird to me…my whole site is written in first person and that writing about ‘who I am’ in 3rd person seem to formal. I’ll start with the basics…

Originally, I’m from the east coast, born just outside of Philadelphia. Traveled around Europe and the Middle East a lot when I was a kid. We settled back in Philadelphia when I was a teenager, which is when I got my first job as a dishwasher. Soon after I was working the pantry. That was then I fell in love with food and the way it made people feel, I became obsessed with evoking those same emotions from people with my food.

I graduated high school and though I wanted to be a writer, my grades would preclude me from a proper college education. I had the attitude but not the aptitude. So in 1990 I went to culinary school in NY. I graduated, packed up the car and headed west where I ended up in Denver. I’ve cooked on the West coast and I’ve worked at a prestigious hotel in Europe but I always came back to Denver. This is where I’ve been able to marry my love of food and cooking with my love of photography.

I started this blog in 2012 and it led to many wonderful opportunities for me, both personally and professionally.  As you can see from the dates of many of the posts, like my relationship with Colorado, I sometimes drift away but always seem to find my way back for a while, who knows how long that will be.  For now, I’ll just enjoy being able to share the recipes I’ve created over a long life in professional kitchens, I hope you enjoy them as well.

If yourself are interested in the photography aspects of my blog, you should definitely head over to my YouTube channel, linked above, where I post videos, tips and tricks for beginner food photographers, and don’t forget to hit me up on Instagram!


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  1. Hey there chef Cina. This is your long lost friend Brian Walsh. Remember me. Lol. Man I have so many great memories. Kicking ur butt in basketball. Shifting ur car bc u broke ur collarbone. Bc u miss d that bicycle jump. I miss those days at Marshallton inn. Lol

  2. I just recently discovered your site and I’m in love with your work!!! Your photos are absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to check out the rest of your site.

  3. I just stumbled upon your www-site. It looks very cool and I’m looking forward to exploring it and trying some new recipes.

  4. Christopher, I don’t know what the heck you are talking about. Your photography is nothing short of amazing. Trial and error be damned. You’ve got the eye, I tell you.

    And your writing IS good. You don’t have to go to college to learn how to write. A good story told well serves both reader and writer. And if you have this raw talent (and you do!) you reader (and editor mayhap) will forgive the odd dangling participial or run on sentence.

    Bravo to you. Keep the good works going.

  5. Look forward to looking in! 😉

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